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Client:  ISS

Location: London

Project Value:  Circa £60k

Programme: 12 weeks 

Project Management 

Health and Safety

Handover Documentation


The works comprised of an alteration and refurbishment of ground floor laboratory area

The works comprise the alteration and refurbishment of the ground floor laboratory area creating two new laboratories in G23 through the introduction of a mezzanine floor and the creation of a flammability laboratory in G29 as well as the removal of all Asbestos materials.

Within G23 the former dead weight pit was infilled, casting new suspended floor slab, removal of the high level gantry crane and associated steel runway beams and support structure. A new mezzanine first floor level was constructed with a new door opening created at first floor level to access. Both Labs in G23 were supplied with power, lighting and data installations, access control and fire detection, heating, cooling, plumbing and waste installations, new floor finishes and decorations. 

An additional new Flammability lab off G29 was created in blockwork construction with timber joist roofing, fitted out as the Room Data Sheets with new power, water, data and specialist ventilation systems.



The main challenge was the programme timing with a start on site in January 2020 for completion within the financial year. The programme required critical path analysis through the main supply chain and specialist supply chain members to ensure the design was carried out in advance of significant lead in times for bespoke M&E kit.


Other considerations included the security to the site requiring all deliveries and labour having careful planning and 7 days’ notice of arrival and notification to NPL.

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